After an absence overseas, DCB has diligently researched the archives to find this record of the walk on 2nd June, dutifully filed by the day´s Leader.
The Six Starters
Present: Chris, Janet, Yves, Tina & Dina
Leader: Rod
Dogs: Misty and Tiggy
Stats (very general!):
Distance - 14.1kms
Time - 4hrs 5mins
The Report:
"A very warm previous few days had frightened off quite a few but 6 hardy
souls turned up for a walk that was anyway billed as very heat oriented. In
the event the start temperature was well under 25 and it was still well
under 30 at the end. We set off north from Bensafrim along a river valley
which still had plenty of water for the dogs before ascending what was the
only hill (Pic 2) called, for no apparent reason, Monte Amarelo......and it
didn't even have a Trig Point.

"We wandered down to another valley again through the only bit of testing scrub.
The stream along the bottom still had plenty of water and required several crossings...all achieved without any incident.
We stopped briefly near one crossing for a light refreshment (Pic 3)

"before returning along the flat Bensafrim River valley back to the Market
Square Bar. All very uneventful really and , in the absence of the court
photographer and chief blogger and statistician, the record is a bit sparse
A closing picture:
A property near Bensafrim: do you think he claims expenses on this one too?
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