A distinctly end-of-term mood prevailed when the five of us met at Bordeira where, unfazed by the lack of coffee and without any senior Field-Marshall to impose customary discipline, we could relax in comfort for the Starters` photo.
Famous Five: Chris, Ian S, John H, Ingrid and Janet
Happy dogs: Tiggy and Maddie
total distance: 11.6km
moving time: 2hrs.48min
total time: 3hrs.42min
moving avg: 4.1kph
overall avg: 3.1kph
total ascent: 147m
max elevation:142m
The Track
Thanks are due to our Leader for the day, who excelled in sending in the following Report despite being caught up that evening in the social whirl that is Lagos and before rushing off the next morning to attend to grandfatherly chores in Edinburgh.
or how to enjoy a shorter walk without any serious hills.
"The answer is to follow river valleys, as people have done for
centuries and ignore any ascents other than those essential to pass
from one valley to another. This walk had a slightly unfortunate start when
the Famous Five gathered at Cafe Pacheco in Bordeira at the appointed
time. Having been advised by a local " that the cafe opened when the
man with the key had arrived " it soon became apparent the he hadn't
been seen for some time and judging by the state of the interior of
the cafe wouldn't be returning in the immediate future. Undeterred,
the small group set off along the beautiful valley beside the Ribeira
Bordeira with adjacent fields of wildflowers.
By a babbling brook
Giant cistus
"The track was good and level and in no time at all we had reached the top of a long but gentle incline that took us across the main Alejezur road and towards the West Coast.
"After admiring the beautiful cliff top views to the sea, wild flowers aplenty, a thick grey rain cloud was observed to be rolling in from the sea, a common occurrence on the West Coast. Apparition in antique Rohan (circa 1971)
"Fortunately the rain soon headed off in the direction of
Sagres and raingear was dispensed with. Following a gentle descent to
the Vale da Alfambra, walking on recently restored tracks beside an
attractive artificial lake, we soon arrived at the junction with the
infamous Bordeira Bee Run track.Still waters
"Although no aggressive bees were in evidence, some serious looking hills were. By now Ian's limping gait was starting to cause him some pain, so a unanimous decision was
taken to severely curtail the proposed 22km walk and continue to
stroll along level paths towards the Bordeira river. The scenery was
stunning, enhanced by thrilling birdsong and ever greener pastures.
"Nearing the end of the walk a decision was taken to have a short lunch stop whilst still admiring the attractive rural scene at Bordalate.
Lunch Hill
" Given the absence of any activity in the village of
Bordeira we then proceeded to Carrapateira where the relaxed five
enjoyed a welcome drink or two in the usual cafe. The GPS statistics
won't do this walk justice, although if we include the return trip
from Bordeira to Carrapateira the overall distance looks reasonable.
"We could fudge the statistics like this......."
"Everyone present expressed their enjoyment of a gentle and less
strenuous walk for a change, although it is probable that the more
energetic absentees wouldn't have. Good fun was had by all, sorry
that most of you missed it for one good reason or another."
At Carrapateira, Ian S., among others, was relieved to see fresh stocks arrive just in the nick of timeand we meditated on the true meaning of happiness.
That went down well
"Unquestionably, it is possible to do without happiness: it is done involuntarily by nineteen-twentieths of mankind." (John Stuart Mill - but he can´t have been serious, can he?)
"In Hollywood, if you don´t have happiness, you send out for it." (Rex Reed - who he?)
Apathy rules - maybe. Ian S.'s rehabilitation program has taken a backward step - only 11 km on a perfectly lovely day while we were suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous rain in Spain. Hope that is not the last! Short of good reading material here.
ReplyDeleteWhile one can sympathise with the CB´s jaundiced outlook - stuck in a van in the rain in Spain - for some of us, the enjoyment of a walk is not derived entirely from the numner of kms covered. The Famous Five had a great day and felt the 11km was just perfect. After all, as Robert Frost wrote,"Happness makes up in height for what it lacks in length,"