Thursday, 8 October 2009

AWW 07.10.2009 - Pacheco Postponed

When I took this photo on the recce, it was great visibility,  and the route along the first couple of ridges had plenty of grip.  I had replies from five brave walkers plus ourselves, who had not been deterred by my alarmist 3* Degree of Difficulty rating.

Alas on the morning of the walk the weather had changed dramatically, and you can see three of us in the photo above testing the conditions! It was not to be, and regrettably the walk was cancelled, until another day!
Aspiring Leader: Paul
Would be Walkers: Myriam, Rod, Lindsey, John, Andrew, Hazel

Stats: Would have been impressive.

Até à proxima.

"It is better to have tried to walk and cancelled, than never to have volunteered"
                                Paulo à Pé 2009


  1. That looks suspiciously like Rum Doodle (40,000-and-a-half feet).

    ("The Ascent of Rum Doodle" by W.E.Bowman - full of good material for the aspiring blogger. See AbeBooks or

  2. Looking at the photo, it would have been a great training exercise for Lindsey & Andrew who will be conquering the Himalayas next week!


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